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IndoPlus, a Mycorrhizal bio-fertilizer is an environmental friendly product reduces/stops the need of chemical fertilizers and enhances the yield. The product is strongly recommended to maintain soil fertility, to improve soil texture and is also very effective in water strained condition.

It is beneficial for almost all plant species in the world and is very beneficial for Nurseries, Tea Gardens, Rubber Plantations, Sugarcane, afforestation, lawns, gardens, plantations, mining belt, fruits and vegetable growing etc.

Mycorrhiza helps plants to capture macronutrients and micronutrients from the soil, it absorb water and mineral from soil and transmit it to the roots of tree. Trees provide food to fungus.This biofertilizer helps in faster germination. It plays important role in absorption of phosphorus and enhances nitrogen fixation. It makes hormones available to plants. It also has advantages like maintenance of water balance and biological control of root diseases and nematodes.


Granular formulation in 1 kg, 4 kg, 8Kg and 50 kg.

Method of application

Seed Treatment
Use 6-8 Kg Indoplus /acre seeds.

Soil Application
Use 6-8 Kg Indoplus /acre seeds with 100 Kg FYM.

Recommended crops:

All crops.

MSDS Certificates

IndoPlus Bentonite MSDS Certificate

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